Monday, July 16, 2012

Hadden...Almost 4 months

We are a monster!
Weight: 16lbs 10oz (90-95th)
Length: 26.25 inches (above 95th)

-Sleeps: 9-12 hours at night
-Morning, afternoon and late afternoon nap.
-Enjoys lights, stuffed animals to put in the mouth, self soothes by sucking the thumb, always calms down when sung to, loves listening to music, loves watching Emerson play, has the cutest giggle and smile, laid back, easy going (has to be with a big sister like Emmi), loves bath time, enjoys the pool, sweats like his Daddy, starting to become really interested in our food, would rather sit up than lay down rolling over yet. Dr. Glynn said with babies the size of Hadden have a hard time with all that extra weight. Honestly, he could care less about it. Just a little lazy!