Many people in this world today have the desire and want to help others. Most of our problem is we think about it but don't put our words to actions. That is not the case with my Dad. He has the vision of helping others and putting it to action. His goal is to feed 100 Haitians everyday for the rest of his life. Pretty amazing, huh? He just recently went to Haiti and came home with this idea. His plan is to assist Haitian families with expenses such as, fertilizer, compost, agricultural tech support, transportation, and salary neccessary to manage and maintain extension gardens. The gardens will support 5-7 family members. The estimated cost per garden per month is $60.
If you are interested in supporting, we are having our second annual Haiti 5k.
May 28, 2011
Sabetha City Hall
8:00 a.m. start
7:00 a.m. registration
$20 registration fee
$15 t-shirt
Flyers are available around town or email me and I'll send a copy your way.
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