Where has time gone? My baby boy is already nine days old. Hard to believe
Hadden Payne was born on Monday, March 26, 2012 at 3:46pm. He weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. He was delivered by an emergency c-section. That day didn't go as expected. We arrived at the hospital at 6:00am expecting a normal delivery. Everything was going fine until I started pushing. I was losing scar tissue from the birth of Em, Hadden was cockeyed and then to top it off, the cord was around his neck. Three strikes against me. When I heard Dr. Glynn mention c-section, I started to panic. Hadden arrived here safely and we are so blessed with amazing doctors.
We are getting along well here. He's an awesome baby is far. He can go five hours at night without eating and will actually sleep in his pack-n-play for a couple of hours at a time. Some of you might think, "what's the big deal?" but Emerson had to sleep on me for the first month or so. We eventually made the transition into her bed but not without a fight. I can already see how different my two babies are. Hadden is definitely more laid back than Emerson ever was.
Jacob and I are so blessed with two healthy, amazing children. I thank God everyday for them. Jacob has been an amazing father and husband. I couldn't do this journey without him.