Friday, December 14, 2012


 Hadden enjoyed exploring at the Discovery Center. 
Lately: He loves banging toys and making VERY loud noises, 
crawling while pushing a toy, 
climbing, rolling balls or cars along the kitchen floor.
Soooo different than Emerson was at this age.
 It's fun to see the different personalities.
 Emmi at the Discovery Center. Pretending she works at a Vet.
 Lucas, are you ok? 
She has informed us that when she
 grows up she wants to be a doctor of people or animals.
Even though Hadden has popped through two teeth since 
Thanksgiving and has two currently making their appearance,
 he is still a happy little boy.
 This little girl has a sweet tooth. Not sure where she gets that from? :) 
Hold on Hadden, Big Sis is driving!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

7 months

-21.5 lbs.
-Sleeps all night. Hard to believe he has been sleeping through the night longer than he hasn't.
-2 naps
-Loves snacks. Working on the baby food part. He's a picky eater. Can't tell that by looking at him.
-Pulling up on toys
-2 teeth, working on another
-Him and Emmi are starting to interact more. He loves it when she tackles him.
-Chews on anything
-Loves walks in the stroller and being pulled in the wagon.
-Quiet most the time. He's just starting to say da da.

Then and Now

Friday, October 12, 2012

What we've been up to...

Enjoying our time together.

Cheering on the Icabods. (Uncle Kaleb is a grad assistant.) 

Sleeping in a big girl bed! Very successful transition.

Learning how to cut.

Making messes! Let me say...this was not fun to clean up.

Growing, growing and growing. He is days away from crawling
AND most importantly HE IS NAPPING (in his bed, without my help)!!
 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

6 Months

19 lbs 15 oz (90th percentile)
 27.75 in. (90th percentile)

He's not quite sure of the grass yet.

Such a joy!

Sleeps 10-12 hours at night and 2 naps.
Sleeps with a blanket.

Thumb sucker!

Adores big sister!
Cries if she's not in the
bath or in the car with him.

Easy going.

Starting to watch cars, enjoys loud noises
 and anything that moves.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The last week...

Emerson and Hadden reading.

We are in trouble very soon.
Need to baby proof the house again.

Such a happy baby (when he's well rested)!
We've had six successful days of naps (morning AND afternoon).
 Makes for a happier baby and a MUCH happier Mommy.

His whole face lights up when he smiles. So precious!

Emerson and Mommy time.
 Pretending to paint her leg??

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

5 Months

18.6 lbs (75-90th) 27 inches (75-90th)

Rolling. Chewing. Giggling. Wanting to move, move, move!

Rarely gets this mad.

Thumb sucker!

Adores his big sister.

Starting to sit by himself.

Emmi's new fish....Jack-in-the-box (yes, she named it)

Very curious and intelligent little girl!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Estes Park, Colorado

The family.
My baby boy is 4 months old.

Precious children.

Emerson's first horse ride on the Belgium..BamBam.

The best family picture we've taken as a family of 4!

Feeding the ducks and geese. Our house to the left.

Lily Lake.

Bear Lake.

Friday, August 3, 2012

25% off Mary Kay

25% off all instock Mary Kay products from now until the end of August.
Please email me at with further questions.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Emerson is 2 1/2...

Can't believe my little girl is already 2 1/2.
Such a happy girl!

My beautiful little girl.

Such a character!

So sweet!

So smart!

Just a little sneaky...